
Showing posts from August 12, 2019

Culture. Cuisine. Cocktails: Summer in Quebec City

Dining, drinking, and discovering in Canada. Summer 2019: A fortuitous overlapping of my mother's July vacation week and my seemingly interminable unemployment gave way to the planning and ultimate execution of a glorious progression into my 23rd year. In brainstorming cities, we knew we wanted to go somewhere within driving distance, and we did not want to travel south towards the heat. The destination was swiftly decided: Quebec City. We started off our trip on a mission: food. This would be the trajectory of the entire three night, four day journey, and I would not have had it any other way. I am of the simplistic and perhaps lackadaisical opinion that sitting outside and sipping a cocktail in good company is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Fortunately, my travel-mate and mother, Kath, shares the same philosophy. We were starving from our six hour car ride, hopped up on caffeine and maybe a little buzzed from our complimentary drinks after a delayed hotel check-in. We